Not only do they clog up the roads but they also carry names such as 'Olympus' and 'Fire Storm'. A desperate attempt to make this hobby more exciting!
Pop Idol
Hatred of this is twofold. Firstly the crap music we are forced to endure as a result of these greedy, tone-deaf 'talent' spotters. Secondly the mass hysteria this and all other 'Reality' TV shows create.
Savoyarde Cuisine
As in the Haute Savoie region of France, where we lived for the winter season. I am so fed up with the French claiming superiority in the kitchen, when all we ate for 4 months was cream, ham, and cheese that tasted of sick.
The Daily Mail
This paper is my nemesis. I just can't stand the cynicism and narrow-mindedness.
Bitching about England
This moan goes hand in hand with the above. Why oh why can't people acknowledge how amazing the NHS and education system is, and be glad that we even have trains/a postal service? I know there are some problems but really we are so lucky to live here at all. I also wish people would visit some of the beautiful places in the UK rather than running off to Spain every year.